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A little of everything
On my blog, I post things that are important to me... A little of this and a little of that... Hope you enjoy the journey with me!
xoxo April
My Wonderful Husband-- Josh!
He was very Surprised that I started a blog... lol! He came home with his mouth WIDE open. Maybe I'm not so hopeless at the computer after all... However, his first comment was... "You didn't mention me at all!" SORRY... but how do you JUST mention the love of your life, your best friend and soul mate??? It sounds too casual for a blog on the internet... but in the spirit of mention... lol... I will.
mention... mention...
mention... mention...
You keep me smiling!
We really needed a vacation! We had a horrible 6 months... so we celebrated survival! Why not???We took the kids to Disneyland and our neighbors and friends the Davis family came too. We spent 5 days there and 2 at the beach and Sunday we spent with my husband's brother and his family. It was so great to get a way from everything that was dragging us down. We found out that Katie is a dare devil and that Aubrianna is soooo not one! Josh Jr. Hates waiting in lines and Lizzy was happy doing everything! Lizzy gave her lollipop to her dad for Father's Day... how sweet! We made matching T- shirts which helped us keep all together. It was fun to see other people at the park like them... Spread the LOVE around!
So I took my girls to the Taylor Swift Concert in May... We were all Very excited... We made T-shirts and rode trax downtown singing the hole way... We went with our friends Lesia and Kayla... The girls had fun... I had fun watching them... Katie would sing the song with Taylor, Clap enthusiastically then ask me, "It is time to go home?" Then enjoy the next song. I couldn't help but laugh each time. It was a Great Concert Taylor Swift is a great performer.
So my family deals with a lot... My Daughter Katie has Diabetes, which has my freaked out most of the time... I'm learning to relax about it and ...BREATHE!!!! Though it is not something She or I can ever stop thinking about for long. She got sick over the weekend... Doctor visit early sunday morning.... She has the Flu! Great! She gets very sick and her Blood Sugar levels are all over the chart. Mom worries too much! She's a trooper and very upbeat. She is amazing! Mom worries too much... I think I said that. My other daughter Aubrianna is heard telling Katie, "you know people die from the flu!"... (MOM PANICS IN THE KITCHEN)... Katie says, "Well I'm not!" And pushes her down... I usually would get bad at her, but good for you Katie! She's going to be just fine. The Lord Gave her a Stong will and a happy personality. She is to little to understand that life isn't always fair. But I know she sees that her life is different from most others. We try not to dwell on Diabetes and her Insulin pump as made her life better and easier. Now summer is starting And I worry about her getting her pump wet, because swimming and and water activities are her favorite things to do. Lizzy and Aubrianna came home from the neighbors dripping wet, (PANIC AGAIN) "where's Katie?" Katie comes home perfectly dry... "Well I couldn't get my pump wet Mom..." Mom worries to much. I tell her next time to ask me to take the pump off so she can have fun too. She has met other kids and adults with Diabetes... she get very excited. She likes the Jonas Brothers, but calls them the Diabetes Brothers, since one of them has it too. As i'm typing this she is coughing in her sleep, "Should I check her or let it go a little longer"... Hmmm, that is the question I ask myself a hundred times a day... I know I worry too much, I'm working on it...