My precious little girl is turning six today!!! I can't believe it... She's my baby.... Wow!!! There is something very special about this little girl. I know all mom's feel their kids are special, which they are... and should be... But this little angel got something extra on the way down from Heaven. I'm still trying to figure "WHAT" exactly it is... Spirit?? Yes... Spunk?? Yes... Personality?? Absolutely!!! (i could go on and on here but i don't need to...) One look at her and you can tell. everyone does... I've gone a little overboard with her party today. It is impossible not to when she is just oozing excitement, it's infectious!!! We are going to have soooooo much fun! I can't wait until 2 o'clock. Nothing else is going to be thought of today! It's Katie's day!!!! What could be more fun than celebrating another milestone in her life... it's a celebration OF life. Katie has had type 1 Diabetes for almost 2 & 1/2 years now. Some days I feel I've had to battle an entire (heavily armed) army with my bare hands to save her life. No wonder in exhausted by 7 at The point, I guess, I'm trying to make is that she loves life, and laughs in the face of her Diabetes, and shows everyone around her how it looks to be happy! Thank you Katie for your example... Mommy loves you sooooo Much! Happy Birthday to my Angel!!!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Kiss Me Kate!!
My precious little girl is turning six today!!! I can't believe it... She's my baby.... Wow!!! There is something very special about this little girl. I know all mom's feel their kids are special, which they are... and should be... But this little angel got something extra on the way down from Heaven. I'm still trying to figure "WHAT" exactly it is... Spirit?? Yes... Spunk?? Yes... Personality?? Absolutely!!! (i could go on and on here but i don't need to...) One look at her and you can tell. everyone does... I've gone a little overboard with her party today. It is impossible not to when she is just oozing excitement, it's infectious!!! We are going to have soooooo much fun! I can't wait until 2 o'clock. Nothing else is going to be thought of today! It's Katie's day!!!! What could be more fun than celebrating another milestone in her life... it's a celebration OF life. Katie has had type 1 Diabetes for almost 2 & 1/2 years now. Some days I feel I've had to battle an entire (heavily armed) army with my bare hands to save her life. No wonder in exhausted by 7 at The point, I guess, I'm trying to make is that she loves life, and laughs in the face of her Diabetes, and shows everyone around her how it looks to be happy! Thank you Katie for your example... Mommy loves you sooooo Much! Happy Birthday to my Angel!!!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Can also be used with chicken or pork
1 to 2 pounds shrimp
"A taste of Thai" peanut sauce or mix
1 Tablespoon finely minced ginger
1 (13 oz) can coconut milk
1/4 cup lime juice
1 grated rind of 1 lime
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 cup sweetened coconut flakes
4 large garlic cloves, finely minced
2 Tablespoons corn starch mixed with water
mix and pour over meat and cook in crock pot until meat is done. then add corn starch and water to thicken the sauce. serve over rice noodles or rice or be creative.
My daughters thought it was a bit spicy but the boys and myself chowed it down!
New Favorite Recipes
Cilantro-Lime Rice
2 cups uncooked rice
2 teaspoons butter
4 cloves garlic, minced
zest of 1 lime
2 cans (30 oz) vegetable broth
or chicken broth
2 1/2 cup water
4 Tablespoons lime juice
4 teaspoons granulated sugar
6 Tablespoons chopped cilantro
In a saucepan combine rice, butter, garlic, lime peel, broth and water. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover, and cook 15 to 20 minutes, until rice is tender. Remove from heat. In a small bowl combine lime juice, sugar, and cilantro, mix well. Pour over the hot cooked rice and enjoy!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Artificial Pancreas News
JDRF Partners with Animas to Develop Automated System to Better Control Diabetes Representing First Step to Artificial Pancreas
JDRF announced today an innovative partnership with Animas Corporation to develop an automated system to help people with type 1 diabetes better control their disease – if successful, this would be the first step towards developing a fully automated artificial pancreas, which would be among the most significant advances in the treatment of type 1 diabetes: the development of an artificial pancreas, a fully automated system to dispense insulin to a person living with type 1 diabetes based on real-time changes in blood sugar levels.
Animas, a Johnson & Johnson company, is a leading manufacturer and distributor of insulin delivery and glucose management systems including the OneTouch® Ping™. Objectives of the partnership are to develop an automated system to manage diabetes, conduct extensive clinical trials for safety and efficacy, and submit the product to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for approval.
The first generation system developed through this partnership will not be fully automated. Rather, in this first step towards an artificial pancreas system, the computer software will guide insulin delivery, automatically taking action when blood sugar is getting too high or too low. For example, the system would automatically discontinue insulin delivery to help prevent hypoglycemia, and then automatically resume insulin delivery based on a specific time interval (i.e., 2 hours) and/or glucose concentration. It will also automatically increase insulin delivery to reduce the amount of time spent in the high range and return to a pre-set basal rate once glucose concentrations have returned to acceptable levels. The user still needs to make decisions about insulin dosage, particularly around meals.
Even this first step will significantly reduce the number of highs and lows, and lower long-term blood sugar levels. The computer software that will run this system is still being developed, which makes it difficult to predict what the outcomes of using this system will be, but this first-generation system will help many more people with diabetes achieve target A1c’s of 7% or lower currently do so today. Most important, JDRF believes it will do that with far fewer low blood sugar problems.
“Although this partnership is focused on a first-generation system, not a fully automated artificial pancreas, such a system could provide better clinical outcomes for those with type 1 diabetes – reducing if not eliminating the high or low blood sugar problems that send people with diabetes to the hospital, cause accidents or injuries, and make living with diabetes so difficult,” explained Aaron Kowalski, Ph.D., Assistant Vice President of for Glucose Control at JDRF and Research Director of the JDRF Artificial Pancreas Project. “And better control would significantly lower the key risk for developing the devastating long-term complications of the disease, including eye disease, kidney disease, nerve disease or cardiovascular disease.”
The ultimate goal – a completely automated system – will take longer. Such a system will likely require next generation continuous glucose monitors, pumps that can deliver more than just insulin, and faster-acting insulin. The JDRF Artificial Pancreas aims to accelerate the delivery of multiple artificial pancreas systems.
“If successful, the development of this first-generation system would begin the process of automating how people with diabetes manage their blood sugar,” said Alan Lewis, PhD, President and Chief Executive Officer of JDRF. “Ultimately, an artificial pancreas will deliver insulin as needed, minute-by-minute, throughout the day to maintain blood sugars within a target range. But even this early system could bring dramatic changes in the quality of life for the 3 million people in the
The JDRF-Animas partnership will build upon the progress made since 2006 in the JDRF-funded Artificial Pancreas Consortium, a group of university-based mathematicians, engineers, and diabetes experts that has developed the computer programs needed for an artificial pancreas, and established their scientific feasibility. The goal of an artificial pancreas has also been embraced by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which along with JDRF and National Institutes of Health, brought together scientists, regulators, industry, and patients for scientific workshops on the subject in 2005 and 2008; the FDA has designated an artificial pancreas as one of its “critical path” initiatives. The development of an artificial pancreas system is an essential step towards an ultimate cure for type 1 diabetes – a “bridge to a cure.”
JDRF’s goal is to have multiple versions of an artificial pancreas available for people with diabetes; the organization will continue to explore partnerships with other industry leaders.
JDRF is the catalyst that is bringing together the disparate disciplines of CGM developers, insulin pump manufacturers, diabetes clinicians, and scientists and mathematicians that will be needed to develop an artificial pancreas. It is the organization that provided definitive research about CGM devices to show that they help improve clinical outcomes of people with diabetes. JDRF has been the driving force behind using research to convince insurers to cover CGM devices, clinicians to prescribe them, and people with diabetes to use them. Eventually, JDRF will use research findings to convince insurers that these new systems’ benefits justify coverage. And it is taking the first steps towards an artificial pancreas with this partnership and the development of first generation semi-automated systems to man age diabetes.
DexCom, Inc., a leading manufacturer of CGM devices, will supply the CGM technology for the system to be developed by JDRF and Animas.
More information about the JDRF-Animas partnership and the development of a first generation automated system to manage diabetes is available at The site also includes information for people with type 1 diabetes about research leading to the development of an artificial pancreas, as well as interactive tools, chats with researchers, and access to information about clinical trials.
The eventual aim of JDRF, a fully automated artificial pancreas, will help people live better, healthier, easier lives, until research gets to a biological cure. Today JDRF is historically poised to translate research into the first steps toward real treatment options, by partnering with Animas, a Johnson & Johnson company that manufactures insulin delivery and glucose management systems, to develop a first-generation artificial pancreas.
Artificial Pancreas !!!!
JDRF’s Artificial Pancreas Project (APP) is an effort to integrate two existing technologies – the continuous glucose monitor and the insulin pump – with software that would provide the right amount of insulin at the right time, which is one important function of the pancreas.
The JDRF partnership announced today with Animas Corporation, a Johnson & Johnson Company, is an important step on the path to the development of an artificial pancreas and a critical development in JDRF’s continued efforts to translate basic research into treatments and therapies that will improve the lives of people with type 1 diabetes. As part of the Artificial Pancreas Project, JDRF is working with researchers and companies around the world with the goal of having multiple versions of an artificial pancreas available to people with type 1 diabetes.
While today’s announcement focuses on the partnership’s role in development and commercialization of a first-generation automated diabetes management system, it is important to note that Congress and the National Institutes of Health have played significant roles in the research progress that has brought us to this point. Through funding provided by Congress for the Special Diabetes Program and regular NIH appropriations, the NIH supported the initial research leading to the development of continuous glucose monitors and is currently funding research aimed at refining the algorithms needed for an artificial pancreas.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Funny things kids say & do....
Thursday, June 25, 2009
He was very Surprised that I started a blog... lol! He came home with his mouth WIDE open. Maybe I'm not so hopeless at the computer after all... However, his first comment was... "You didn't mention me at all!" SORRY... but how do you JUST mention the love of your life, your best friend and soul mate??? It sounds too casual for a blog on the internet... but in the spirit of mention... lol... I will.
mention... mention...
mention... mention...
You keep me smiling!